CSDE - C# Development Environment for Emacs/XEmacs

The C# Development Environment for Emacs and XEmacs


11-26-01 - screenshots published. See Screenshot page for more

11-25-01 - release 0.1 is here! See below for download!

11-20-01 - CSDE project accepted at sourceforge.net

11-20-01 - This crude page is put together .... sorry - I prefer to spend my time on the CSDE mode than in beautifying this page!

Release 0.1

Files to download are here.

Installation instructions are here

Screenshots are here

Project Information

This project basically revolves around converting the code from the JDE (Java Development Environment) for emacs over to C#. There are a few small and a few large differences between the two languages that need to be incorporated to make this feasable. The inital work to transfer the grammers, keywords, and documentation packages from Java to C# is complete

Work is now being concentrated on the side tools that are part of the Microsoft Framework SDK for .NET.

Downloads of the initial (0.1) version, which we use pretty actively to develop code in C#, will be available the week of 11.20.01.

Contributers, please contact Matt Bruce to begin your work. Please make the email subject "CSDE" and include what additions you would like to contribute. Please be sure to download the entire mode and learn the structure before emailing me! Thanks!!

Many thanks to the JDE team and their JDE mode which is the basis for this C# mode.

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